Child support in the United States

The law governing child support in the United States varies state-by-state and tribe-by-tribe among Native Americans; each individual state and federally recognized tribe is responsible for developing its own guidelines for determining child support. In the US, child support is the ongoing obligation for a periodic payment made directly or indirectly by an ("obligor" or paying parent or payer) to an ("obligee" or receiving party or recipient) for the financial care and support of children of a relationship or a possibly terminated marriage. Typically the obligor is a non-custodial parent. Typically the obligee is a custodial parent, caregiver or guardian, or a government agency. In the U.S., there is no gender requirement to child support, for example, a father may pay a mother or a mother may pay a father. In addition, where there is joint custody, in which the child has two custodial parents and no non-custodial parents. A custodial parent may be required to pay the other custodial parent.

The United States has an over-arching federal government framework. The child support program is the responsibility of the Administration for Children and Families in the Department of Health and Human Services. Federal IV-D Regulations require uniform application of child support guidelines throughout a state, but each state can determine its own method of calculating support. At a minimum, 45 C.F.R. 302.56 requires each state to establish and publish a Guideline that is presumptively (but rebuttably) correct, and review the guideline, at a minimum, every four years.[1] Most states have therefore adopted their own "Child Support Guidelines Worksheet" which local courts and state Child Support Enforcement Offices use for determining the "standard calculation" of child support in that state. Courts may choose to deviate from this standard calculation in any particular case.


Support models

States follow one of three basic models, or formulas, for calculating a child support obligation: (1) the Incomes Shares model, (2) the Percentage of Income model, or (3) the Melson Formula model.[2]

Executive branch concerns

President Gerald R. Ford issued a Signing Statement on signing the Social Services Amendments of 1974 on January 4, 1975. Although generally favorable, Ford expressed concern about what he saw as excessively "injecting the Federal Government into domestic relations".[3]

State by state provisions

State Guidelines Enforcement
Alabama Child Support Guidelines [4] Division of Child Support Enforcement [5]
Alaska Civil Rule 90.3 [6] Division of Child Support Enforcement [7]
Arizona Child Support Guidelines [8] is based on the Income Shares model.[9] Division of Child Support Enforcement [10]
Arkansas Administrative Order of the Supreme Court No. 10 [11] Division of Child Support Enforcement [12]
California Family Code §§ 4050-4076 [13] is based on the Income Shares model[9]

The Judicial Council of California is required to conduct the California Child Support Guideline Review at least every four years.

Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) provides public child support enforcement[14]
Colorado Rev. Stat. §§ 14-10-115 et seq.,[15] based on the Income Shares model[9] Division of Child Support Enforcement [16]
Connecticut Child Support Guidelines Booklet [17] Bureau of Child Support Enforcement [18]
Delaware Child Support Guidelines [19] Division of Child Support Enforcement [20]
District of Columbia Code Ann. § 16-916.1,[21] based on the Income Shares model[9] Child Support Enforcement Division [22]
Florida Child Support Guidelines,[23] based on the Income Shares model[9] Child Support Enforcement Program [24]
Georgia Child Support Guidelines [25] Office of Child Support Services [26]
Hawaii Child Support Guidelines [27] Child Support Enforcement Agency [28]
Idaho R. Civ. Pro. 6(c)(6) [29] Child Support Services [30]
Illinois Child Support Guidelines [31] Child Support Enforcement [32]
Indiana Child Support Guidelines,[33] based on the Income Shares model[9] Child Support Enforcement
Iowa Child Support Guidelines,[34] based on the Income Shares model[9] Department of Human Services [35]
Kansas Child Support Guidelines [36] Child Support Enforcement [37]
Kentucky Rev. Stat. §§ 403-210 to -213,[38] based on the Income Shares model[9] Division of Child Support Enforcement [39]
Louisiana Rev. Stat. 9:315.1 et seq.,[40] based on the Income Shares model[9] Support Enforcement Services, Office of Family Support [41][42]
Maine Revised Statute Ann. tit. 19-A, §§ 2001-2010,[43] based on the Income Shares model[9] Division of Support Enforcement & Recovery [44]
Maryland Family Law Code Ann. §§ 12-201 et seq.,[45] based on the Income Shares model[9] Child Support Enforcement Administration [46]
Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines,[47] based on the Income Shares model[9] Dep't of Revenue, Child Support Enforcement Division [48]
Michigan child Support Formula,[49] based on the Income Shares model[9] Family Independence Agency [50]
Minnesota Stat. Ann. §§ 518.551 et seq.[51] Child Support Enforcement Division Minnesota Worksheets
Mississippi Code §§ 43-19-101 et seq.[52] Division of Child Support Enforcement [53]
Missouri Child Support Guidelines,[54] based on the Income Shares model[9] Child Support Enforcement [55]
Montana Child Support Guidelines [56] Division of Child Support Enforcement [57]
Nebraska Child Support Guidelines,[58] based on the Income Shares model[9] Child Support Enforcement Office [59]
Nevada Revised Statute §§ 125B.070 to -.080 [60] Office of Child Support Enforcement [61]
New Hampshire Revised Statute §§ 458-C:1 to -:7,[62] based on the Income Shares model[9] Division of Child Support Services [63]
New Jersey Rules of Court Appendix IX,[64] based on the Income Shares model[9] Office of Child Support Enforcement [65]
New Mexico Statute §§ 40-4-11.1 to -11.6,[66] based on the Income Shares model[9] Child Support Enforcement Division [67]
New York Domestic Relations Law. § 240(1-b),[68] and articles 4, 5, 5A, and 5B of the Family Court Act, based on the Income Shares model[9] Division of Child Support Enforcement [69]
North Carolina Child Support Guidelines,[70] based on the Income Shares model[9] Child Support Enforcement [71]
North Dakota Child Support Guidelines [72] Child Support Enforcement Agency [73]
Ohio Rev. Code §§ 3119.01 et seq.,[74] based on the Income Shares model[9] Office of Child Support [75]
Oklahoma State title 43, §§ 118 to 120 [76] Department of Human Services [77]
Oregon Child Support Guidelines,[78] based on the Income Shares model[9] Division of Child Support [79]
Pennsylvania Revisede Civil Procedures 1910.16-1 to -5 [80] Child Support Program [81]
Rhode Island Child Services Guidelines Administrative Order [82] Dep't of Human Services [83]
South Carolina Social Services Regulation 114-4710 to -4750 [84] Child Support Enforcement Division [85]
South Dakota Code Laws §§ 25-7-6.1 et seq.[86] Office of Child Support Enforcement [87]
Tennessee Child Support Guidelines [88] Child Support Services [89]
Texas Family Code §§ 154.001 et seq.[90] Attorney General Child Support Services [91]
Utah Code §§ 78B-12-202 et seq.,[92] based on the Income Shares model[9] Office of Recovery Services [93]
Vermont Stat. title 15, §§ 653-657 [94] Office of Child Support [95]
Virginia Code §§ 20-108.1, 20-108.2 Department of Social Services, Division of Child Support [96]
Washington Revenue Code §§ 26.19.001 et seq.[97] Division of Child Support [98]
West Virginia Child Support Guidelines,[99] based on the Income Shares model[9] Bureau for Child Support Enforcement [100]
Wisconsin Child Support Guidelines [101] Bureau of Child Support [102]
Wyoming Child Support Guidelines [103] Child Support Enforcement [104]


In 2000, the state of Tennessee revoked the driver’s licenses of 1,372 people who collectively owed more than $13 million in child support.[105] In Texas non-custodial parents behind more than three months in child-support payments can have court-ordered payments deducted from their wages, can have federal income tax refund checks, lottery winnings, or other money that may be due from state or federal sources intercepted by child support enforcement agencies, can have licenses (including hunting and fishing licenses) suspended, and a judge may sentence a nonpaying parent to jail and enter a judgment for past due child support.[106] Some have taken the view that such penalties are unconstitutional. On September 4, 1998, the Supreme Court of Alaska[107] upheld a law allowing state agencies to revoke driver's licenses of parents seriously delinquent in child support obligations. And in the case of United States of America v. Sage, U.S. Court of Appeals (2nd Cir., 1996), the court upheld the constitutionality of a law allowing federal fines and up to two years imprisonment for a person willfully failing to pay more than $5,000 in child support over a year or more when said child resides in a different state from that of the non-custodial parent.[108]

The U.S. law commonly known as the Bradley Amendment was passed in 1986 to automatically trigger a non expiring lien whenever child support becomes past-due. The law overrides any state's statute of limitations; disallows any judicial discretion, even from bankruptcy judges; and requires that the payment amounts be maintained without regard for the physical capability of the person owing child support (the obligor) to make the notification or regard for their awareness of the need to make the notification. The obligee may forgive such debts.

When past-due child support is owed to a state as a result of welfare paid out, the state is free to forgive some or all of it under what's known as an offer in compromise.

Interstate enforcement

Final judgment

Under the United States Constitution Article Four, full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records and judicial proceedings of every other state. Courts have used this article to enforce final judgments that have been registered within a state. Normally a judgment must be final before it can be registered. The ""Restatement of Conflict (Second), under the topic of Defenses to Recognition and Enforcement, states that a judgment rendered in one state need not be recognized or enforced in a sister state insofar as the judgment remains subject to modification. A local court is free to recognize or enforce a judgment that remains subject to modification under the local law. Child support orders are considered judgments of this sort.

Under full faith and credit, the local law of the state of rendition will be applied to determine whether the judgment is modifiable and, if so, in what respects, particularly past and future financial obligations. Full faith and credit requires application of the local law of the state of rendition to determine whether the judgment is modifiable and, if so, in what respects.

Uniform Desertion and Non-Support Act

In 1910, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws approved the Uniform Desertion and Non-Support Act. The act made it a punishable offense for a husband to desert, willfully neglect or refuse to provide for the support and maintenance of his wife in destitute or necessitous circumstances, or for a parent to fail in the same duty to his child less than 16 years of age. The 1910 act sought to improve the enforcement of the duties of support, but it did not take into account payers who fled the jurisdiction. With the increasing mobility of the population, welfare departments had to support the destitute families because the extradition process was inefficient and often unsuccessful.

Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act (URESA)

In 1950, The National Conference of Commissions on Uniform State Laws published the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act (URESA). The Commission stated that, “The purposes of this act are to improve and extend by reciprocal legislation the enforcement of duties of support and to make uniform the law with respect thereto.” URESA sought to enforce the provisions in two ways: criminal enforcement and civil enforcement. Criminal enforcement relied upon the obligee state demanding the extradition of the obligor, or for the obligor to surrender. Civil enforcement relied upon the obligee to initiate proceedings in his/her state. The initiating state would determine if the obligor had a duty of support. If the initiating court upheld the claim, the initiating court would forward the case to the obligor’s state. The responding state, having personal jurisdiction over the obligor, would provide notice and a hearing for obligor. After this hearing, the responding court would enforce the support order.

Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act (RURESA)

In 1958, the Uniform Laws Commission again amended URESA, which later became known as the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act (RURESA). The amendments involved two important changes to URESA.

The amendments sought to correct a problem created by URESA. In some cases, the responding court only had evidence from the obligor and not have any evidence from the initiating state or the obligee. The responding court, with only one side represented tended to benefit the obligor. The Commission’s solution was to amend URESA so the initiating state and the obligee would provide evidence to the responding court along with the original case file, so the responding court would have positions from both parties.

The Commission also provided a second method to obtain redress via civil enforcement. The new method permitted the obligee to register the foreign support order in a court of the obligor’s state, and present that case directly to the foreign court.

RURESA provided new protection for mothers against noncompliant fathers; however, RURESA created a new problem—multiple support orders. Since every state could both enforce and modify a support order, a new support order could be entered in each state. Thus, if the father moved from State A to State B to State C to State D, and if the mother continually registered and had the order modified, then there would be four separate and independent support orders. RURESA allowed state courts to modify the original order so long as the court applied its own procedural law and the law of the original state, unless that contravened its own public policy. The Commission intended to correct the problem of inconsistent multiple orders by only allowing the support orders to be modified based upon a single state’s law. In theory, states A, B and C could only modify a support order based upon the original state’s substantive law; thus, all the support orders should be identical. In practice, however, this rule created ambiguities concerning whether child support guidelines are procedural or substantive, and if substantive, whether application of that substantive law contravened some public policy. The multiple order issue remained a problem.

Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA)

In 1992, NCCUSL completely revised and replaced URESA and RURESA with the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) to correct the problem of multiple orders. UIFSA corrected this problem by providing that only one state would possess the power to make or modify child support at any one time ("continuing exclusive jurisdiction"). The state with continuous exclusive jurisdiction would use its own child support guidelines. Thus, if the child or either one of the parents remained in the original state, then that state retained jurisdiction and only that state could modify the support order. Only if both parents and the child left the state could another state assume child support jurisdiction (although any state could enforce the original state's order, regardless of residence of parent or child).

In 1996, NCCUSL revised UIFSA and the United States Congress passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), which required that all states adopt the 1996 version of UIFSA. In 2001, NCCUSL adopted additional amendments to UIFSA. As of 2011, only a few states had adopted the 2001 amendments.

UIFSA contains five main parts: General Provisions, Establishing a Support Order, Enforcing a Support Order, Modifying a Support Order, and Parentage.

In 2008 UIFSA joined the Hague Convention which insures a uniform policy amongst countries and a way to organize child support issues globally. Critically, orders will be "recognized and enforced in other countries".[109]

Statutory conflicts

Every state’s guidelines are unique, so every state awards different monetary amounts. Between two states, the difference in award’s amounts may be nominal when taken on a weekly basis. Over long periods, however, these weekly differences accumulate to material sums. A conflict of laws issue can confront courts.

For simplicity, this article uses the model where the mother becomes the parent with custody of the children and the father makes child support payments, with the understanding that this model has become less typical. For example, a man and a woman marry in West Virginia. During the marriage, the husband and the wife have children. In West Virginia, the husband and the wife divorce. West Virginia issues a divorce decree that gives the wife custody of the children and orders the husband to pay child support. Subsequently, the wife moves to Connecticut with the children. Due to a change in circumstances, the husband, who may or may not still reside in West Virginia, seeks a modification of West Virginia’s divorce decree. The conflict was over which state's guidelines are to apply.

The Commission, which Congress created in 1988 to recommend `how to improve the interstate establishment and enforcement of child support awards,' favored a system under which the modifying jurisdiction's law would apply. Some witnesses testified that the law most advantageous to the child should govern, others testified that the law where the obligor resides should govern, and still others testified that the law where the child resides should govern. The Commission ultimately recommended `that the procedural and substantive law of the forum state should govern in establishment and modification proceedings,' citing the `ease and efficiency of application of local law by decision-makers' as an important consideration. The official UIFSA commentary [to UIFSA section 303] echoes this concern for efficiency.


In 2004, the California Court of Appeals ruled on a case in which the couple obtained a divorce decree in Idaho, where they lived with their six children. The father moved to California, and the mother and children moved to Oregon. The divorce decree was registered in California. The County sought to modify child support and that California had jurisdiction.

The Court held that Idaho no longer had jurisdiction because: no party remained in Idaho; a nonresident was seeking modification, and the respondent was subject to California's jurisdiction. The court cited two reasons. First, due to UIFSA, California had obtained jurisdiction. Second, the marital settlement agreement did not change the result, because due to the special nature of child support, parents were bound by public policy outside their own agreements; Idaho had adopted UIFSA; under the Restatement Second of Conflict of Laws, California had a materially greater interest than Idaho.

The Court refused to address the argument that Oregon guidelines should apply because the father failed to explicitly raise this issue at trial and had thus waived his right to appeal the issue. Further, even if the father had preserved his right to appeal, the father presented no evidence on the subject.

In a footnote, the court spoke of the Commission created by Congress in 1988 to recommend ‘how to improve the interstate establishment and enforcement of child support awards.’ In that footnote, it noted:

Connecticut 's anomaly

The Connecticut Legislature anomalously created two registration methods. Connecticut adopted URESA and adopted the RURESA registration method. Subsequently, Connecticut adopted UIFSA and repealed URESA, but did not repeal the RURESA registration method. Both methods allow for a foreign order to be registered in Connecticut. The UIFSA registration method limits jurisdiction to only one state, while the RURESA registration does not.

Connecticut’s UIFSA

The UIFSA registration method allows the following scenarios: (1) one party remains in the original state, and the other party moves to Connecticut or (2) the mother and father both leave the original state. If either the mother or father remain in the original state, the original state retains continuous exclusive jurisdiction.

The second scenario is that the mother moves to Connecticut, and the father moves to a third state (state B), leaving neither party domiciled in the original state. If the order is registered in either Connecticut or in B and that state’s court issues a new order, then the original state loses jurisdiction. In the state where a new order is issued, Connecticut or state B would obtain the power to modify the order. This situation produces a race to the courthouse. The mother wants to register the order in the state with guidelines more favorable to her and the father seeks the opposite.

Under UIFSA, whatever scenario is applied, the rule is clear. However, because Connecticut continues to have the RURESA registration method on the books, a party could register in Connecticut without invoking UIFSA, which creates the problems that UIFSA was meant to correct.

Connecticut’s RURESA

Under RURESA Connecticut General Statute 46b-71 controls, providing the courts with a conflict of laws rule concerning the enforcement of a foreign matrimonial judgment within Connecticut. It states:

Such foreign matrimonial judgment shall become a judgment of the court of this state where it is filed and shall be enforced and otherwise treated in the same manner as a judgment of a court in this state; provided such foreign matrimonial judgment does not contravene the public policy of the state of Connecticut. A foreign matrimonial judgment so filed shall have the same effect and may be enforced or satisfied in the same manner as any like judgment of a court of this state and is subject to the same procedures for modifying, altering, amending, vacating, setting aside, staying or suspending said judgment as a judgment of a court of this state; provided, in modifying, altering, amending, setting aside, vacating, staying or suspending any such foreign matrimonial judgment in this state the substantive law of the foreign jurisdiction shall be controlling.

The statute allows courts to modify a foreign judgment using local procedures, applying the substantive law of the foreign jurisdiction, unless that application of the substantive law would contravene Connecticut public policy.

In Burton v. Burton, the Connecticut Supreme Court recognized that 46b-71 governed. In addition, the Court held that the related laws were "substantive" so the foreign law would control. The Connecticut courts have not resolved whether the courts apply local or foreign child support guidelines under RURESA. 46b-71 and Burton frame the issue. If a Connecticut court characterizes the child support guidelines as procedural, then the court applies the local child support guidelines; if the courts characterize the child support guidelines as substantive, then the courts must apply the foreign state’s child support guidelines, with the usual caveat. The Connecticut Supreme Court addressed the issue of whether the trial court correctly applied the substantive law of the foreign jurisdiction but not whether the foreign state’s guidelines are "substantive".

In Evans v. Evans, the Connecticut Appellant Court indirectly addressed the issues and held that it would not disturb an order of the trial court absent an abuse of discretion. The trial court held, among other factors, that it was not bound by the New York's guidelines, although it did consider them. The Appellant Court failed to state explicitly which guidelines the court should apply.

The Connecticut Superior Courts differ as to when the courts must determine if that substantive law includes that state’s child support guidelines. In a recent Superior Court decision, Judge Munro stated that “[t]he court will allow the parties to argue at the subsequent hearing on the merits whether, in applying Ohio substantive law, the court looks to the Connecticut Child Support Guidelines or the Ohio Child Support Guidelines, or some other criteria. ”

In a footnote, Trial Referee Cutsumpas states that “[t]he court is mindful that it would be more practical to have the child support issue determined in the State of Connecticut where the children and obligee mother reside rather than in the State of New York where only the obligor father resides… However, absent written consent of the parties, UIFSA dictates jurisdiction which in this case is the State of New York. ”

District of Columbia

In 1993, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals held that the child's domicile governs which guidelines should apply. In this case the parents married in the District and family moved to Maryland. The divorced father returned to the District, and the mother and the children remained in Maryland. The court granted the father's request that Maryland's guidelines apply following precedent while stating that the" governmental interest analysis test" would lead to the same result.


In 2002, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals ruled on a case in which the parties were married in Massachusetts, had a child and separated. They obtained a divorce decree that merged the separation agreement. The agreement provided that the father would pay child support governed by Massachusetts law, and that the child support payment would be adjusted annually. After the divorce, the father relocated to Virginia, while the custodial mother settled in Maryland.

The father requested to modify the order under Maryland law. The Master found that even though under Massachusetts guidelines, the mother would receive more money that the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act applied. Maryland's rules produced a payment about half of the original payment, but the Master recommended the original amount remain in effect to maintain the child’s standard of living.

The Massachusetts Legislature's parties to a contract may agree to the law which will govern their transaction; however, that general rule has limitations. Neither contract nor Massachusetts law specifically dictated that the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines were to apply. The court then held that the agreement did not create not an open-ended obligation for the father to pay child support based upon the Massachusetts guidelines if neither party had ties to Massachusetts. In addition, the court looked to the child’s best interest, which could have been be undermined by the contractual terms.

Deadbeat parents

Non-custodial parents who avoid their child support obligations are sometimes termed dead-beat parents. Parents who share an equal role in parenting are far more likely to comply, with child support compliance going up above 90% when the payer states he believes he has a relatively equal role in parenting.

The US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 68% of child support cases had arrears owed in 2003, a 15% increase from 53% in 1999. It is claimed that some of these arrearage cases are due to administrative practices such as imputing income to parents where it does not exist and issuing default orders of support.

According to one study[110] reasons given for non-payment of support were as follows:

Reason Percentage
Inability to pay 38%
Protesting lack of visitation 23%
Lack of accountability 14%
Prefer to give up a child 13%
Denied paternity 12%

According to another study, 76% of the $14.4 billion in child support arrears in California was by parents who lacked the ability to pay. The "deadbeat" parents had a median annual income of $6349, arrears of $9447 and an ongoing support of $300 per month because 71% of the orders were set by default.[111]

Child support and welfare

Since the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), a major impetus to collection of child support is the Welfare law. A custodial parent receiving public assistance, e.g., via Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),[112] is required to assign child support to the Department of Welfare to receive assistance. The custodial parent must also pursue child support. Any payment is diverted to the welfare program as partial reimbursement. Typically the amount of child support equals or exceeds the assistance grant, allowing the family to leave the cash assistance program (potentially remaining eligible for food stamps, etc.) Other provisions of PRWORA require and assist the custodial parent to find employment (such as buying new work clothes). Child support enforcement programs in all 50 states are primarily federally funded. States whose enforcement is not in PRWORA compliance risk a 5% penalty.

Despite concerns that this provision generates government revenue, HHS reported that in fiscal year 2003, 90% of child support collections went directly to families.[113] In 47 states the percent of payments going to families was 86% or more and in seven states exceeded 95%. Half of unpaid child support is owed to the government. Sherri Z. Heller, Ed.D, Commissioner of U.S. Office of Child Support Enforcement stated, "We need to be more aggressive about leveraging older debt owed to the government as an incentive to obtain more reliable payments of current support to families." Towards this end, the Social Security Administration provides up to $4.1 billion in financial incentives to states that create support and arrearage orders, and then collect.[114]

Housing and common wages

Some states (such as California) automatically garnish up to 50% of pre-tax income to pay child support arrears. This can present a hardship in states whose cost of living is high. The Out of Reach report produced by the National Low Income Housing Coalition[115] sets 30% of household income as an affordable level for housing costs. After a loss of 50% of takehome income, the suggested expenditure on rent also decreases 50%.

California’s Fair market rent (FMR) for a two-bedroom apartment is $1,149. In order to afford rent and utilities, without paying more than 30% of income on housing, a household must earn $3,829 monthly or $45,950 annually. Assuming a standard work schedule, housing alone requires a wage of $22.09, far above California's $8.00 minimum.[116] Adding child support essentially doubles the necessary income. If the obligor has no other child support debts, earns California minimum wage working 40 hours a week, has no benefits, and the custodial spouse does not work, the expected payment is closer to $320.[117]

Conflicts of interest

Requiring non-custodial parents to pay child-support creates jobs to sustain the divorce industry, because the amount of child support a state collects generates federal funds to the state. Family court judges earn $90–160,000 per year[118] while each judge requires a staff. The industry headcount of "60,000 professionals includes line/managerial/executive child support staff; state and local agencies; judges; court masters; hearing officers; government and private attorneys; social workers; advocates; corporations that "partner" with government to provide child support services and private collection agencies."[119]

The availability of federal funding child support programs and the mandate that states contribute matching funds, has led corporations to market their services to state and local agencies. Services range from consulting to payment processing to enforcement of support orders. The private-sector presence in a human services field entices program directors away from public service.

State courts typically maintain a child support division—essentially an accounting department recording amounts owed and paid. Given that county clerks responsible for record keeping are not accountants, inaccuracies concerning child support payments are allegedly common. In many counties, such as Illinois’ Cook and Kane counties, the division audit themselves. However other jurisidictions adopt different methods—for example, in 2003 independent auditors reviewed and audited the Child Support Enforcement Agency of Hawaii. Texas has also conducted an independent audit.[120] Clark County, Nevada's, district attorney office was independently audited in 2003 regarding child support payment collections.[121] In 2003, Maryland recommended outside audits on its five child support enforcement operations.[122]

While county reports are the official records,[123] states also have their reports.[124]


Most courts addressing the issue of imprisonment for child support deficiencies since the United States Supreme Court's ruling in Lassiter vs Department of Social Services, 452 U.S. 18 (1981) have held that appointed counsel is required if the obligor's liberty is at stake. In March, 2006, the Supreme Court of New Jersey, upheld this principle in the case of Anne Pasqua, et al. v. Hon. Gerald Council, et al.[125] As of August 2006, at least four states (New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and South Carolina) do not consistently appoint attorneys in enforcement proceedings. As of 2011 court challenges were pending in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.

On March 23, 2011, the United States Supreme Court heard Turner v. Rogers, a case concerning whether South Carolina had a legal obligation to provide appointed counsel to Turner, who was jailed for child support non-payment.

The right to a jury trial is abridged in criminal non-support cases when the defendant is charged with misdemeanor non-support. The judge can incarcerate the obligor for contempt of court for some time, presumably till the balance is brought current, similar to debtors' prisons of prior eras. Jail complicates child support payments, which is why some states suspend sentences and impose a probationary period during which payments must be made and/or employment searches conducted, with jail reserved for uncooperative offenders.[126]

Paternity fraud, not-adopted, non-biological children

Paternity questions complicate the issue of child support, either because of incorrect information or fraudulent intent. Paternity fraud affects three individuals: the defrauded man, the child deprived of a relationship with his/her biological father, and the biological father who loses his relationship with his child.

Some jurisdictions, such as California limit the amount of time allowed to challenge paternity or allow women to claim paternity in nearly anonymous conditions.

Even if paternity fraud was proven through DNA testing, the alleged father may still be liable for child support. In most jurisdictions the courts have declared the male who acts as the child's father to be the father through the equitable operation of an estoppel. Once the child has been declared to be someone's offspring and has lived with the man for a period of time, the court may burden the putative father with all of the obligations of parenthood, effectively freeing the biological father from obligations, even if the biological father gains custody of the child. This was the case for a Michigander who was forced to pay child support for a child to a child's biological father.[127]

Even if paternity is proven false and the alleged father was not even aware of the child's existence, once the court determines a man is the child's father and the deadline for challenging paternity—as little as 30 days—has passed, a man can still be liable for child support. This happened to a man in Florida who was named as the father of a "daughter" that he never knew about until she was 11 years old. Despite DNA results that show that he had not fathered the child and despite an affidavit from the girl's mother saying he's "not the father", Florida demanded that he support the girl, and pay more than $10,000 already "owed". He spent a night in jail.[128]

See also


  1. ^ "Section". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  2. ^ Buckley, John. "State by State Child Support Guidelines". Retrieved 3/10/11. 
  3. ^ [1]

    ALTHOUGH I have signed H.R. 17045, I am pleased with most of its provisions but concerned about others.

    The provisions concerning the Federal-State partnership program for social services successfully concludes many long months of negotiations among the Congress, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Governors, State administrators, and spokesmen for producers and consumers. Ending a long impasse, the efforts of all exemplify my call for communication, cooperation, conciliation, and compromise when I assumed the office of President.

    The second element of this bill involves the collection of child support payments from absent parents. I strongly agree with the objectives of this legislation.

    In pursuit of this objective, however, certain provisions of this legislation go too far by injecting the Federal Government into domestic relations. Specifically, provisions for use of the Federal courts, the tax collection procedures of the Internal Revenue Service, and excessive audit requirements are an undesirable and an unnecessary intrusion of the Federal Government into domestic relations. They are also an undesirable addition to the workload of the Federal courts, the IRS, and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Audit Agency. Further, the establishment of a parent locator service in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare with access to all Federal records raises serious privacy and administrative issues. I believe that these defects should be corrected in the next Congress, and I will propose legislation to do so.

    I am particularly pleased that this legislation follows a desirable trend in Federal-State relations. It will improve the results of programs previously hampered by unrealistic assumptions of Federal review and control. Those decisions related to local conditions and needs will be made at the State level, while Federal responsibilities are clearly delineated. Indeed, the interests of not only the Federal and State governments but also producers and consumers are recognized and protected.

    I also believe that this new legislation significantly improves program accountability and focuses funds on those most in need of services.

    In summary, I regard the social services provisions as a major piece of domestic legislation and a significant step forward in Federal-State relations.
  4. ^ "Rule 32 of Judicial Administration". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  5. ^ "Child Support Enforcement". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  6. ^ "Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  7. ^ "Alaska Child Support Services Division home page". 2004-06-16. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  8. ^ "Arizona Child Support Guidelines - Effective January 1, 2005". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x "Child Support: Summaries of State Laws - Divorce & Family Law Center". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  10. ^ Arizona Child Support Home Page
  11. ^ "Arkansas Child Support Guidelines". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  12. ^ "Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  13. ^ "CA Codes (fam:4050-4076)". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  14. ^ "California Department of Child Support Services > Home". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  15. ^ NextPage - LivePublish. "Legal Resources". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
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  17. ^ "Child Support and Arrearage Guidelines Booklet". 2005-08-01. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  18. ^ Department of Social Services. "Connecticut Department of Social Services". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  19. ^ To/Support/?SupportChapter8.pdf
  20. ^ "DHSS - Division of Child Support Enforcement". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  21. ^ Enter your Company or Top-Level Office (2007-04-01). "Child Support Services Division". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  22. ^ Enter your Company or Top-Level Office. "Child Support Services Division". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  23. ^ "FL Dept Rev - Child Support Amounts". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  24. ^ "FL Dept Rev - Child Support Enforcement". 2008-09-18. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
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  26. ^ Error Page
  27. ^ "Child Support Guidlines". 1998-11-01. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  28. ^ "Hawaii Child Support Enforcement Agency—Attorney General". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  29. ^ "Idaho Child Support Guidelines". 2010-05-20. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  30. ^ "Home". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  31. ^ "750 ILCS 5/ Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act". 2001-03-21. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  32. ^ Redirect to
  33. ^ "Indiana Child Support Rules and Guidelines". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  34. ^ "Iowa Supreme Court". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
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  36. ^ Your Page Title
  37. ^ "Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services". 2010-07-23. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
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  39. ^ "Kentucky: Cabinet for Health and Family Services - DCS Has Moved". 2008-11-07. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  40. ^
  41. ^ "Status 404". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  42. ^ Basic Child Support Tables
    Each country sets its own rates for child support. Given that most states now take both parents income, the number of days children spend with each parent, and other factors such as the number of tax exemptions for children each parent is entitled to take, an algorithm is used to develop the tables in most states, rather than a simple formula.
    Self Support Reserve
    The tables include the concept of a Self Support Reserve (SSR). The SSR is meant to ensure that the paying parent has sufficient money to live on at federal poverty level. As of 2007, the SSR amount in Louisiana is $551/month gross income. In 2000, PSI recommended increasing the SSR to $687 gross income/month. In 2005, PSI recommended increasing the SSR to $748 gross income/month. These proposed amounts were set based on 85% of Federal Poverty guidelines for a single person.
    Work Incentive
    The two methods for child support put an inherent conflict into the tables. To obtain a smooth transition between the SSR amount and the percentage amounts, PSI fit a straight line between the two amounts.
    To ensure that the paying parent had an incentive to earn more money, they built in a work incentive. The tables allow the paying parent to keep 10% of the net increase for one child; 9% for two; 8% for three; 7% for four; 6% for five; and 5% for six or more children.
    Minimum support obligation
    A minimum support order of $100/month was required regardless of circumstances.
    Additions to the basic obligation
    The court can increase the basic obligation to allow for 1) Net Child Care costs; 2) Health Insurance; 3) Extraordinary medical expenses; 4) and Extraordinary Expenses.
    Careless or abusive application of these provisions by the courts can result in support orders that exceed the maximum garnishable amount (50% of net income or minimum wage times 30 hours) by state law.
    Unemployment and underemployment
    State law allows for the state to refuse to lower child support orders if a party becomes unemployed or underemployed for any reason. [2]
    The state considers going to jail a voluntary act and continues awards unabated on the incarcerated.
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  45. ^ The Child Support Guidelines Section Of Md Law
  46. ^ Maryland Child Support Enforcement Program - MDHR
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  48. ^ "Massachusetts Department of Revenue". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  49. ^ "Michigan Child Support Formula". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
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  51. ^ Minnesota Legislature - Office of the Revisor of Statutes
  52. ^ "43-19-101. Child support award guidelines". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
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  56. ^ "Department of Public Health & Human Services - Montana Child Support Guidelines Packet". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  57. ^ "Department of Public Health & Human Services - Child Support Enforcement Division". 2010-04-21. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
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  59. ^ "Nebraska DHHS Child Support Enforcement Index". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  60. ^ "NRS: CHAPTER 125B - OBLIGATION OF SUPPORT". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
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  62. ^ "New Hampshire Statutes - Table of Contents". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  63. ^ "Division of Child Support Services". Retrieved 2011-01-15. 
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  65. ^ "Welcome". NJ Child Support. 2008-04-14. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  66. ^ NMHSD - CSED- Child Support Guidelines
  67. ^ NMHSD - Child Support Enforcement Division
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  69. ^ NYS DCSE | New York Child Support
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  71. ^ North Carolina eChild Support Central - Welcome
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  73. ^ "Our Site has moved". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
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  75. ^ "ODJFS Online". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  76. ^ "Oklahoma Child Support Services: Guidelines and Computation". OKDHS. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  77. ^ "OKDHS 404 Page". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  78. ^ "Dept. of Justice_137_050". 2010-07-15. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  79. ^ DCS Webmaster. "Division of Child Support - Child Support Guidelines Directory". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  80. ^ "Pennsylvania Code". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  81. ^ PA Child Support Home Page
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  83. ^ "State of Rhode Island: Office of Child Support Services:". 2010-02-01. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  84. ^ "DSS Form 27151 (MAR 99).qxd" (PDF). Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  85. ^ "SC Child Support Enforcement". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  86. ^ "South Dakota Codified Laws". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  87. ^ "Child Support :: SD Dept. of Social Services". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  88. ^ "RULES" (PDF). Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  89. ^ [3]
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  91. ^ "Texas Attorney General". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  92. ^ [5]
  93. ^ Utah. Dept. of Human Services. Office of Recovery Services (2004-10-01). "State of Utah - Office of Recovery Services". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  94. ^ "The Vermont Statutes Online". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  95. ^ "Welcome to the Office of Child Support (OCS)". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  96. ^ "Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) - Virginia Department of Social Services". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  97. ^ 26 TITLE/RCW 26 . 19 CHAPTER/RCW 26 . 19 chapter.htm
  98. ^ "Home Default: Washington State Division of Child Support". 2010-07-01. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  99. ^ "West Virginia Code". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  100. ^ "Bureau for Child Support Enforcement". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  101. ^ "Child Support Laws". 2009-10-08. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  102. ^ "Wisconsin Department of Children and Families". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  103. ^ "TITLE 20 - DOMESTIC RELATIONS, CHAPTER 2 - DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE, ARTICLE 3 - CHILD SUPPORT". 1996-12-01. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  104. ^ "Wisconsin's Child Support Program". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  105. ^ [6]
  106. ^ [7]
  107. ^
  108. ^ Child Support Recovery Act of 1992
  109. ^
  110. ^
  111. ^
  112. ^ Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  113. ^ Child Support Enforcement FY 2003 Preliminary Data Report
  114. ^ Social Security Act §458 (cf. 6B, 6C, & 6D)
  115. ^ NLIHC: National Low Income Housing Coalition
  116. ^ [8]
  117. ^ [9]
  118. ^ The Survey of Judicial Salaries, Volume 29, No. 1
  119. ^ NCSEA
  120. ^ Issue Brief: Accurately Evaluating State Child Support Program Performance
  121. ^ Pratt, Timothy. "Stories published December 12, 2003Las Vegas Sun". Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  122. ^ [10]
  123. ^ Circuit Court of Cook County - Rules and Orders
  124. ^ On-Line Services
  125. ^
  126. ^ May, Rebecca and Marguerite Roulet (2005, January). Center for Family Policy and Practice. A Look at Arrests of Low-Income Fathers for Child Support Nonpayment: Enforcement, Court and Program Practices.
  127. ^ "Court backs dad, ends kid support". 2006-03-24. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 
  128. ^ "Florida man owes $10,000 for child who's not his". 2007-07-12. Retrieved 2010-08-11. 

External links

Government sites


Guidelines and legislation